Books Worth a Read

  • What's Keepinjg Your Customers Up At Night
  • Who Moved My Cheese - Oldie & a Goodie

Monday, March 21, 2011

Employee to Entrepreneur - Let's Talk Product

Hello economic engines, how are you doing with defining what you offer the market?  Remember, it's a product whether it's a widget or a service.  You should be finished, or almost finished with the solution statements.  What problems does your product solve?  If you came up with 4-5 statements, you're well on your way to defining the product.

Two quick theory statements for small business entrepreneurs: (1) it's not what you want to sell, but what the target customer needs to buy and (2) it's not what you want to say, but what the target customer needs to buy.  Sound strange?  It's not, think about it carefully.

Often, we entrepreneurs are so eager to begin the business and sell our wares, we overlook the target customer.  We may think our product is the greatest thing since the paper napkin, (wish I knew who said that first), but if we aren't designing, selling and supporting that product in a manner comfortable and accessible for the target customer, guess what - they won't buy it.  What you want to sell and what the target customer needs to buy probably aren't 2 different things as long as the customer's problems and questions are incorporated fully.  That's an answer to quick theory #1, on to #2.

In sales, I've often heard the term, "throwing up on the customer", sounds nasty but think how it feels for the customer.  We as entrepreneurs must censor ourselves to make sure we are saying what the target customer needs to hear in order to choose us.  Those readers who were in grammar school in the 60's & 70"s will understand this reference - we do not want to leave sawdust on the customer.

Always, think in terms of the customer's problems and questions.  Craft your statements to address them.  Target customers need to feel a connection, to know you "get them".  Here's an example:

Company: Pampered Pooches (just made that up)
Communication:  20 years dog grooming experience - dog owners how does that statement make you feel?

Here's another approach, see if you can feel the difference:

Company: Pampered Pooches
Communication:  We'll love and care for your dog just like you - now how does that feel?

There is a difference, pet owners will feel it immediately.  The communication acknowledges the love between dog and parent and that you want your pet loved while being groomed.

Create 3 to 5 communication statements.  Think carefully about what a target customer needs to hear, feel, sense and know about the solutions and answers provided by your company.  If you need inspiration, review marketing materials from merchants you frequent and use.  Thumb through a magazine and see what ads elicit a positive response from you.

Starting a business isn't easy, nothing worth it ever is.  The time spent creating the solid foundation will make for smooth sailing later.

